Ledger Hardware Wallet

Using a Ledger with Libre chain.

The Ledger hardware wallet can be used to store your Libre private keys and handle signing requests both online and offline. It has the ability to import and transmit transactions.

The best way to do this is to use The Anchor Wallet. You can generate your keys on the Ledger and connect the Ledger to Anchor.

7 Simple Steps

  1. Install EOS app on Ledger (Libre uses the same derivation path as EOS).

  2. Install Anchor Desktop Wallet (v1.3.8+)

  3. Enable Ledger Support in Anchor (first image below)

  4. Load Key from Ledger

  5. Copy Public Key from Anchor and Create Libre Account on web

  6. Scan for Accounts in Anchor

  7. Select the @active role (second image below)

Last updated