April 2023

Multisig and code updates for April 2023.

Multisig 1/x - “systemupdate”



Updates eosio to reference voting power in stake.libre::power for choosing validators

This has been fully tested on testnet and the votes are calculated based on voting power - schedule updates perfectly. It has been running for a few weeks on testnet.

Requested signers

all active producers

Code Changes

Repo: https://gitlab.com/libre-chain/libre-chain-contracts

Path to WASM in repo:

  • build/contracts/libre.system/libre.system.wasm

Currently Deployed

Proposed Update

Commit hash






Files updated in this WASM:

  • contracts/libre.system/include/libre.system/libre.system.hpp

  • contracts/libre.system/src/libre.system.cpp

Code comparison (proposed to deployed):

Note: We do not know the EXACT commit hash of the code deployed, so this is an estimation of the state of the code, but the ABI matches from this time - but we have downloaded the deployed WASM and updated a local network with the new WASM to verify.

You can verify the ABI by running this locally:

cleos -u https://lb.libre.org get abi eosio > eosio.abi

diff <(jq -S . eosio.abi) <(jq -S . ./build/contracts/libre.system/libre.system.abi )

Once this update is deployed, the action migrate will need to be run with "max_steps": "1000" until it fails. This will active the voting power calculations to use stake.libre::power for the ranking of validators.

Multisig 2/x - “permsdomiscd”



There was a small issue affecting early beta testers of Bitcoin Libre where an old BTC address was cached. Unfortunately, months after she stopped using this account, Domi's new account on Bitcoin Libre used a cached BTC address that belonged to this account. This is a key reset for the account she lost "domiscd" which was created during beta testing. It has been verified 100% to belong to her and the BTC wallet where she sent from is also verified.

Requested signers

all active producers

Code Changes


Multisig 3/x - “ratifygoverna”



Approves initial governance docs that can be viewed here: Libre Governance Docs

Requested signers

all active producers

Code Changes


Multisig 4/x - “daogovfund”



Issues 100M LIBRE to dao.libre which can only be spent by 2/3+1 validator approval. This is covered in the Libre Operating Agreement section 17 and passed a DAO vote here.

Requested signers

all active producers

Code Changes


Last updated

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